Hi there,
I’m Rosalind.

Founder, designer, mumma, astrology lover, student of the world.

Generator 1/3. Sag/Pisces/Cap. ENFJ. E8.

I believe everything good in business and life comes from a place of intention, intuition and creativity. It’s my purpose to bring these into your visual branding so you can create a successful business which truly reflects your values.

My design career started in 2008. I’d worked in Hospitality for many years when a family emergency forced me to re-evaluate my life. My teenage passion for art and design was reignited so I studied Furniture Design, Interactive Multimedia and Graphic Design.

Soon after, I landed my first job in Print Design and I've been in the design industry ever since, working across a range of media. I started my own business in 2014 in preparation for working flexibly around my family and eventually quit my day job when my first baby was born. I love to share any resources or tips I’ve gathered along my journey as a business owner and work-at-home-mum.

Some things about me:
> My highest values are honesty, curiosity & growth.
> I’m an explorative thinker who loves astrology, tarot and just about anything esoteric.
> My partner is a creative Sagittarian chef, photographer and painter.
> I’m a busy mum of 2 amazing girls.

On the ‘Gram